(Driver)Class.forName( "ianywhere.ml." ).newInstance() ) However, the class name for driver registration is slightly different: To use the version 10 iAnywhere JDBC/ODBC bridge driver, you need to again include %SQLANY10%\java\jodbc.jar in your classpath.

In version 10, we added support for JDBC 3.0. "jdbc:odbc:DSN= Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0 Sample" ) Or, you could use an ODBC data source like this: Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:odbc:Driver=Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0 UID=DBA PWD=sql eng=demo" ) For example: Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( Since the iAnywhere JDBC/ODBC driver is a bridge driver, to connect to your SQL Anywhere database, you need to specify a “DRIVER=” parameter along with the rest of your connect string. (Driver)Class.forName( "ianywhere.ml.jdbcodbc.IDriver" ).newInstance() ) Then, you need to register it in your java app using the following code: DriverManager.registerDriver( To use the iAnywhere JDBC driver, you need to include the jar in your classpath. The jar file is jodbc.jar, and resides in the %ASA90%\java directory. In version 9, SQL Anywhere supported JDBC 2.0 using an iAnywhere generic JDBC-ODBC bridge driver (similar to but different from the Sun JDBC/ODBC driver). Adaptive Server Anywhere version 9.0 (aka SQL Anywhere 9.0).Jdbc:sqlanywhere:uid=DBA pwd=sql eng=demo Jdbc:ianywhere:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10 DSN= SQL Anywhere 11 Sample Jdbc:ianywhere:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10 DSN= SQL Anywhere 10 Sample Jdbc:odbc:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10 Demo UID=DBA PWD=sql eng=demo Jdbc:odbc:Driver=Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0 UID=DBA PWD=sql eng=demo Here is my attempt to clarify things by following the history of the driver, starting with SQL Anywhere version 9.īefore I go into detail on the history of the SQL Anywhere JDBC driver, here is a table which explains classpath settings, jar files required, driver name URLs and sample connection URLs. In stepping back, I can see how people might easily get confused based on the history of the JDBC driver. In my investigations of this, I have found that this is almost always due to confusion over the classname to use to register the JDBC driver, and the URL’s to use to actually connect to the database. I have heard from customers that connecting to SQL Anywhereover JDBC can be difficult at times. I am reposting it here with a few minor updates, since I still refer to it occasionally and I think it is still useful. I originally posted this a few years ago to help people configure their Java applications to use the iAnywhere JDBC driver, which was replaced by the SQL Anywhere JDBC driver in SQL Anywhere version 12.